The City of Bonita Springs Holiday in the Park event is scheduled for Tuesday, December 5th, 2023, from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The event will include the annual tree lighting, the arrival of Santa Claus, children’s activities, musical performances, as well as food and beverages. Additionally, Old US 41 Road between Wilson Street and Ragsdale Street will be closed for vehicular traffic beginning at 3:30 pm through the duration of the event.
The Special Events Committee will also be conducting the annual Holiday Lighting Contest in Downtown Bonita Springs and will judge any participating businesses on the evening of December 4th, 2023. The first, second, and third-place winners will be announced during the Holiday in the Park event before the tree lighting.
Staff recommends not permitting the amplified sound to exceed 65 dB from the point of the closest residence for the duration of the event.